Students Corner

Rebanta Academy of Design has 2 intakes in a year. This allows students to commence their training throughout the year at a time convenient to them.

INTAKES Intake 1 Intake 2
QUARTERS December to February June to August

Payments of course fees must be made prior to course commencement. Please refer to Terms & Conditions for installment due dates.

Week 1 New Intake commences
Week 2 Academic Activities
Week 3 Collect ID card from Student Services.
Week 4 Academic Activities
Week 5 The Debut
Week 6 Learn from The Leaders
Week 7 - 19 Academic Activities
Week 20 Learn from The Leaders
Week 21-25 Learn from The Leaders
Week 26 Release of Sessional Examination Schedule
Week 30 Sports Week
Week 34 Educational Tour
Week 48 Final examination and presentation / Release schedule for next term / Internal Moderation Meeting.
Week 51 Year Break – Holiday Week
Week 52 Year Break – Holiday Week


Rebanta Academy maintains a very strict standard of performance and attendance for its courses. Students are expected to attend all classes. A class for which a student is registered is an appointment that takes precedence over all other engagements. Non-attendance or absences in 25% or more of the classes for a subject may result in a grade of ‘F’ at the end of the term.

Absence due to illness:

Rebanta Academy shall only accept medical certificates issued by registered medical doctors as valid justification for absenteeism. Any other justification and documents may be considered on a case-to-case basis.

If a student suffers from a major contagious disease during that time e.g., chicken pox, measles etc. A Medical Certificate (MC) must be produced certifying the above.


Students are expected to arrive for their classes on time. However, if a student arrives within fifteen minutes of the start of class, the student will be marked ‘absent’.

Students Notice Board

Students should regularly read and check the Student’s Notice Boards (in the website & app) regularly for updates on changes in policy and class schedules. Rebanta Academy will not bear any responsibility for the student’s failure to comply with this clause.

Student Identification Card (Student ID)

The ‘Student Identity Card’ will be issued in the third week of the new intake. Students must carry the ID card at all times whilst on the premises and produce it on request. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in a student being excluded from classes or any part of the premises of Rebanta Academy. To avoid delay in receiving the Student ID card promptly, three passport-sized photographs (non-returnable) must be submitted to the Student Services Department. Student ID must be returned when a student completes or discontinues his/her study at Rebanta Academy.

Rebanta Academy Management needs to be informed of any changes in the student’s particulars.

Rebanta Academy Management will not be responsible if any messages or correspondence are not received by the students promptly because of the outdated mailing address or contact ways. All information declared by the student is strictly confidential and will be used solely for official purposes.

All information declared by the student is strictly confidential and will be used solely for official purposes.


A student may be terminated from any module by Rebanta Academy of Design for any of the following reasons:

  • Poor academic performance
  • Continuous default of fee payments
  • Prolonged absenteeism
  • Criminal offences including drug abuse
  • Cheating, dishonest behaviour
  • Any conduct which is deemed to be unacceptable in Rebanta Academy of Design, including vandalism, assault, harassment or disrespectful behaviour to staff or fellow students.
  • Students who fail the same modules three times are deemed to be de-registered.
  • A student who is terminated will not be entitled to any refund of tuition fees.

For all Programs

First Payment: Upon Admission (non-refundable and non-transferrable)

Installments: To be made in the beginning of each month for 6 months

It is the student’s responsibility to collect the invoices and the transcripts from The Office. Failure to pay on time will incur a late payment charge of Rs.50. per day late."


S.No. Course Lumpsum Fee (in Rs.) Installment Fee (in Rs.) Installment Details
1 Interior Design 1 yr 75,000 80,000 (Reg. Fee Rs.20,000 ) Rs.10000x6 months
2 Fashion Design 1 yr 75,000 80,000 (Reg. Fee Rs.20,000 ) Rs.10000x6 months
3 NID/NIFT/UCEED Program 50000 55000 (Reg. Fee Rs.15000 ) Rs.10000x4 months
4 NID/NIFT/UCEED Fast Track 35000 NIL NIL


At Rebanta Academy employability is integrated into every course. Employers tell us they want the designer to demonstrate many skills including self-management, problem solving. Each course offers opportunities to acquire these and more.

Students have the opportunity to spend a full year working in industry on a paid placement or to study.

Alternatively, if you have a business idea, concept, or design, our director will assist you in your start-up and guide your new business, while you are studying and even after you graduate.


  1. Help with research and techniques from our experienced team.
  2. One-to-one guidance interviews.
  3. Telephone and e-guidance services if you can't visit RAD.


  1. Workshops to perfect your Curriculum Vitae, application and interview skills
  2. Tailored events and programs for RAD students
  3. Seminars to give you an insight into different careers
  4. Recruitment and placement fairs


  1. Our own recruitment team working proactively to find you jobs matching your profile, USP & field of interest.
  2. Exclusive opportunities from our partnerships with local, regional and national Companies and firms.

Enterprise Opportunities

Mentoring, enterprise and networking events help to make your idea a reality and develop skills in business start-up, self employment, freelancing and consulting.

How to contact us

Students are welcome to contact the Office during office Hours.

Contact Details: 9993315303


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